Help & Support

"The software has already been uninstalled" error

"The software has already been uninstalled" error when uninstalling an software

Why does it appear?

This error message appears when one or more files from the program you're trying to uninstall do not exist. If one or more files from the installation is missing, the Setup cannot continue. All files are required to perform a clean uninstallation.

How can I fix it?

If you deleted the files, check your Recycle Bin, the files might be in it. If not, you'll have to reinstall the program to get all the files and perform a clean uninstallation. The files can also be manually removed depending on the program you're trying to uninstall. Some OverRender OverSuite software adds content in the Windows Registry. If you decide to remove all the files manually, be sure to check the registry to remove any remaining unused keys created by the setup on when installing.

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