What is a .ovtextdoc file?
The file extension .ovtextdoc was used by OverRender.com OverText Lite 2021 to save documents in the old OverText format. It now has been replaced with the ".ovtxt" file extension, still used by OverRender OverText 2022.
What is the issue encountered?
When you double-clicking on a .ovtextdoc document, you get a weird error, or a blank document when opening it in OverText 2022. This happens from Windows XP (OverText or older) to Windows 11 (latest version of OverText 2022).
How can I fix it?
When installing OverRender.com OverText Lite 2021, the Setup program registers the ".ovtextdoc" file extension with the program "OverText_Lite_CaptainTER06" (OverText Lite 2021 Executable file). When opening the file with OverText 2022 on double clicking, it changes this registry entry, and corrupt the opening process. Even if OverRender OverText 2022 supports the .ovtextdoc documents when opening them from the "File" menu, the double-clicking is not supported. It might be added in a future update, but for now it is not currently supported. Opening a .ovtext document file with OverText 2022 when double-clicking might corrupt it. You can only open ".ovtextdoc" files with OverText 2022. Saving it as the same file extension is impossible, you will have to convert it to .rtf or .ovtxt.
Download and external links:
- Download OverRender OverText 2022
2023 - OverRender.com